Thursday, May 22, 2008

Besara7a m3 el wakeel

اذاعة القوات المسلحة الاردنية من راديو فن اف ام..من الساعه السابعة والربع الى العاشره الا ربع ...برنامج بصراحة مع الوكيل..يقدمة المقدم الفذ محمد الوكيل....يبحث هذا البرنامج بمشاكل المواطنيين الاردنيين مع الحكومه ......<<<ما بعرف اشرح 

 سكان الاردن بيسمعو هاد البرنامج وانا منهم<<<مع العلم انو في كتير من خارج الاردن...بتعرفو ليش بسمع هالبرنامج ؟؟! عشان اعرف اعيش هداك اليوم...لما تسمعه هاد البرنامج بيعطيك دفعه معنوية مش طبيعيه <<هاد بيرجع ل طبيعة مقد البرنامج و الاغاني الوطنية الي بتضلها ع مدار الساعتين....

من الاخر:على ما اعتقد انو كتير كويس للاردنين الي عايشين برا الاردن ....!!

انت بتسمعوو وازا بتسمعوو احكيلي كيف ؟؟

وازا ما سمعتو حاول اسمعوو و اعطينا رأيك ..!! 


Monday, May 12, 2008

blawii- True or Dare

awalan ..sba7 el 5eer ,,

anna elyoom sa7i mt25eer ..l2no mbar7 nemt 3al 4:30 am ..we l sa3a hla2 8:01.. mbare7 kont tashesh ana we Razi ,Sami and Msadq... 2deenaha nel3ab True or Dare.. f3aln metl heek l3beh been el as7ab btkshef blawi...

y3ni hla2 wra2na tqreeban tkshft we kolna sorna bn3ref b3aad aktr.. jrboo el3booha ento we s7abko .. jad r7 t3rfoo BLAWI...


it's something like ...

u ask ur friend TRUE or DARE .. if he/she chose True .. btseer metel l3bet el sra7a bts2lo so2al we hwa lazem yjaweb besara7a .. we l3bet t7di eza e5tar dare.."bt7dak tnot men 3la el drj or something like that..

btw .. ana lesa mesh sa7i ..

Monday, May 5, 2008

Ubuntu Mobile

Ubuntu Mobile

Introducing Ubuntu Mobile - full Internet, no compromise

Ubuntu Mobile is an Ubuntu edition that targets an exciting new class of computers called Mobile Internet Devices.
Ubuntu Mobile, based on the world's most popular Linux distribution, and MID hardware from OEMs and ODMs, are redefining what can be done in mobile computing.

Ubuntu Mobile, a fully open source project, gives full Internet, with no compromise. Custom options may include licensed codecs and popular third-party applications.

  • Full Web 2.0/AJAX fidelity, with custom options of Adobe Flash®, Java, and more
  • Outstanding media playback so you can enjoy videos, music and photos with superior quality and easy navigation
  • A suite of applications that work seamlessly to meet every need of a digital parent, student or anyone who is on-the-go
  • Facebook®, MySpace®, YouTube®, Dailymotion®, 3D games, GPS, maps, in short, the full Web 2.0 experience delivered into your hands as a compact and powerful device that's easy and fun to use

The product of Canonical collaboration with Intel® and the open source community, Ubuntu Mobile is the software that makes it all possible.

Just the right stuff

 Ubuntu Mobile just works, and it works just right.

Just the right applications provide an uncompromised Web 2.0 experience: Web browsing, email, media, camera, VoIP, instant messaging, GPS, blogging, digital TV, games, contacts, dates/calendar, simple software updates... and lots more.

All unnecessary complexity in the user experience is eliminated.

Finger friendly, touch driven

Ubuntu Mobile is finger friendly, with no stylus needed. You drive Ubuntu Mobile with touch. Simply tap the screen or drag a finger to make gestures for intuitive navigation and control.

  • Tap an application with your finger to launch it, and tap menus and buttons to use them.
  • Swipe a web page to pan up, down or sideways.
  • Swipe a video, photo, song or thumbnail page to move to the next or the previous one.

Leveraging the MID

MIDs typically have the following features and attributes:

  • Small size/form factor
  • 4 to 7 inch touch screen
  • Physical and/or virtual keyboard
  • Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, GPS, WiMAX
  • 2GB to 8GB Flash or disk storage, 256MB+ memory/512MB+ recommended
  • OpenGL 3D
  • USB, camera, head phone jack, speakers, microphone


Clutter User Interface

Clutter UI

Flash User Interface

Flash UI

Ubuntu Mobile is highly flexible and customizable. It is an ideal platform for the kind of product differentiation that reaches target users and penetrates key markets.

  • User interface in HTML, Flash, Clutter, Python with GTK, C/C++ with GTK and Java
  • Different application sets for different products or configurations
  • Integration with popular Web 2.0 sites
  • Internationalization and translation support to meet market requirements
  • Custom sets of licensed media codecs and third-party proprietary software for commercial partners
  • Custom engineering

OEMs, ODMs, operators and developers can customize Ubuntu Mobile to their desired look and feel and offer just the right capabilities to meet their specific requirements. Canonical can assist through its Custom Engineering program.
For information about Canonical custom engineering services, email


The Ubuntu Mobile community includes many individuals and organizations and always welcomes new participants and partners.

Places to get started:

More information


 The Kubuntu Desktop

Kubuntu is an official derivative of Ubuntu using the KDE environment instead of GNOME. It is part of the Ubuntu project and uses the same underlying system. It is an exciting distribution that showcases the full potential of the KDE desktop. Kubuntu shares the same repositories as Ubuntu, and relies on the same underlying architecture.

The K Desktop Environment

A powerful graphical desktop environment, combines the ease of use, contemporary functionality, and outstanding graphical design with the technological superiority of the Kubuntu operating system. KDE version 3.5.5 is the current stable release and Kubuntu 6.10 is the first distribution to include it.

Photo Management


Digikam is now included by default. This advanced digital photo management application provides you with the tools necessary to view, manage, edit, enhance, organise, tag and share photographs. Organising both photos and photo albums is a snap with Digikam as it allows you to sort chronologically, by directory layout, or by custom collections.

Power Management

Kubuntu received a new power management overhaul with the latest release. Guidance, the power management system, allows users to select various functions to control the power of their portable computing system, whether it is controlling the brightness of the display during low battery, locking the system upon closing the lid or controlling access to multiple batteries.

 zeroconf services in Kubuntu

Easy Networking and Printer Sharing

Zeroconf and print sharing let you browse the local network for available services. Both are now simple to setup and maintain requiring nothing more than ticking a box to enable the feature.

Accessibility Profiles

Kubuntu now offers users the ability to use a preconfigured accessibility profile depending on the type of disability right from the initial point of setup. This provides users the accessibility features they need in order to not only install the Kubuntu 6.10 operating system but to use the system on a daily basis for all of their computing needs. Press F5 at the CD boot screen to choose a profile.

You can download Kubuntu, or request a free CD from Canonical.

Visit the Kubuntu website to find out more.

System Requirements:

Kubuntu is available for PC, 64-Bit and Mac architectures.

CDs require 700MB media. Desktop install requires at least 256MB of RAM and 3GB of available hard drive space.


About Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a community developed, linux-based operating system that
is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the
applications you need - a web browser, presentation, document and
spreadsheet software, instant messaging and much more.

The Ubuntu promise

* Ubuntu will always be free of charge, including enterprise releases and security updates.
* Ubuntu comes with full commercial support from Canonical and hundreds of companies around the world.
* Ubuntu includes the very best translations and accessibility infrastructure that the free software community has to offer.
* Ubuntu CDs contain only free software applications; we encourage
you to use free and open source software, improve it and pass it on.

What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applications you'll ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software and programming tools.

Ubuntu is and always will be free of charge. You do not pay any licensing fees. You can download, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing.

We issue a new desktop and server release every six months. That means you'll always have the the latest and greatest applications that the open source world has to offer.

Ubuntu is designed with security in mind. You get free security updates for at least 18 months on the desktop and server. With the Long Term Support (LTS) version you get three years support on the desktop, and five years on the server. There is no extra fee for the LTS version, we make our very best work available to everyone on the same free terms. Upgrades to new versions of Ubuntu are and always will be free of charge.

Everything you need on one CD, which provides a complete working environment. Additional software is available online.

The graphical installer enables you to get up and running quickly and easily. A standard installation should take less than 25 minutes.

Once installed your system is immediately ready-to-use. On the desktop you have a full set of productivity, internet, drawing and graphics applications, and games.

On the server you get just what you need to get up and running and nothing you don't.

More about Desktop Edition »

More about Server Edition »

Get Ubuntu now »

What does Ubuntu mean?

Ubuntu is an African word meaning 'Humanity to others', or 'I am what I am because of who we all are'. The Ubuntu distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hey Every One Lets Have Fun in JUST (^^)//

it's a Facebook group tell u all about the Fun in JUST ...


1.برنامج الكورت لتعليم التفكير

وذلك أيام الأحد و الثلاثاء و الخميس من الساعة الثانية عشرة و لغاية الواحدة بعد الظهر

ابتداءً من يوم الأحد الموافق 2/3/2008

((هو بلش من زمان بس اي حدا ممكن يحضر متى ما بدوو ))

مركز تنمية المجتمع المدني – مقابل عمادة كلية الطب البيطري
عبر الموقع الإلكتروني الخاص بمركز تنمية المجتمع المدني

____الاعلان الاصلي_______


اساسيلت الطيران

لمده : 6 أسابيع

أيام المحاضرات : الأحد والخميس

وقت المحاضره : 12:00 – 1:30

إعتباراً من 2/3/2008

((هو بلش من زمان بس اي حدا ممكن يحضر متى ما بدوو ))



يعقد مركز تنمية المجتمع المدني
ورشة فنون واصول الاتيكيت

أيام الأحد، الثلاثاء ، الخميس

إعتباراً من 2-6/3/2008

الساعة : 1.15 – 2.15

للتسجيل مراجعة مركز تنمية المجتمع المدني أو


يا ريت من الي حضرها يكتبنا تقرير عنها



Linux Course for Beginners
The easiest way to learn Linux! A rapid Linux course for novice users.



(اي حدا ممكن يحضر متى ما بدو)


UNIX Course

The course is given for IT students, who have previous knowledge of operating systems and C++ programming.

Course name: UNIX Course for IT students

Target audience: CIT students with previous knowledge of operating systems and C/C++ programming.

Assistant: Issa Mahasneh

Location: LAB 9 (or SUN Lab)

Mar 3 Mon
UNIX Course - Lesson 0
LAB 9 (Engineering)
Mar 5 Wed
UNIX Course - Lesson 1
LAB 9 (Engineering)
Mar 10 Mon
UNIX Course - Lesson 2
LAB 9 (Engineering)
Mar 12 Wed
UNIX Course - Lesson 3
LAB 9 (Engineering)
Mar 17 Mon
UNIX Course - Lesson 4
LAB 9 (Engineering)
Mar 19 Wed
UNIX Course - Lesson 5
LAB 9 (Engineering)
Mar 24 Mon
UNIX Course - Lesson 6
LAB 9 (Engineering)

اي حدا ممكن يحضر متى ما بدوو



هاي المرة من صندوق الملك عبدالله الثاني للنتنمية

مهارات الاقناع

يوم الاثنين والاربعاء


من الساعة 10:15-11:15

الي بدوو يسجل بصندوق الملك عبدالله الي بشوؤن الطلبة

الدوره رح تصير في قاعة الصندوق ورا مدرج الفاروق


اي حدا حضرها ازا ممكن يكتب تقرير عنها

سيعقد مركز تنمية المجتمع المدني دورة

اللغة اليابانية للمبتدئين

إعتباراً من 17/3/2008 ، من الساعة 15ر2-15ر3 يومي الإثنين و الأربعاء

للتسجيل مراجعة مركز تنمية المجتمع المدني / مقابل عمادة الطب البيطري أو عبر الموقع الإلكتروني للجامعة

لسا ما بلشت وان شاء الله رح كون اول واحد مسجل

ورح شوف ازا في كلاس يوم الاتنين او لا-لانو متل ما بتعرفو تعليق دوام

للمزيد من المعلومات

Press Here

:) << by Ahmed akour ^^ //


enshall ma az3jtkoo ,, bas metl ma bt3rfoo fee a3da2 jdad we ma by3rfo shoo y3ni hal group (^^)//